Emergency 4 la mov you tube
Emergency 4 la mov you tube

emergency 4 la mov you tube

The virus has killed more Californians on each of the last two days than any other day throughout the course of the entire pandemic - a back-to-back battering that has propelled the state’s total death toll past 25,000.Ĭalifornia is the third state to reach that morbid mark, joining Texas and New York. Not everyone who makes it into the hospital is lucky enough to go home, however. Times reporter covering the pandemic, the statistics suddenly became tragic, personal losses, family and friends taken by the virus. ‘My mom died last night.’ A teacher lost to COVID-19, leaving a young son and so many others reelingįor an L.A. It’s a “very dire situation that’s facing the hospitals” Ghaly said Thursday, and “this surge is pushing all hospitals countywide to the brink of catastrophe.” Officials have recently expressed concern that people suffering from strokes, heart attacks and seizures are languishing outside hospitals without receiving the timely care they urgently need.Įven those afflicted by more sudden emergencies, like getting in a car accident, may be unable to get the medical attention they need if conditions continue to deteriorate.

emergency 4 la mov you tube

The effects of an overtaxed healthcare system ripple far beyond those infected with COVID-19. County health services director, said this week. There have been such lengthy delays offloading patients that there have been “some unfortunate outcomes,” Dr.

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County hospitals hit breaking point: ‘No one would believe this is in the United States’Īs the COVID-19 crisis worsens, and the number of infected individuals requiring professional care continues to balloon, some hospitals have needed hours to make room for new patients arriving by ambulance to send staff to treat people in the ambulances themselves or, in especially strenuous moments, to temporarily shut their doors to ambulance traffic altogether. Bodies pile up, patient care falters as COVID-19 devastates L.A.

Emergency 4 la mov you tube